Thursday, April 15, 2010

Picnic at the Park

Showa Kinen Park in Tachikawa is one of my favorite places to go because it's different experience every time I go there. There is so many different types of flowers and plants, so it looks different every season. I heard it was a great place to go and picnic underneath the cherry blossoms, so I did just that this past weekend.



♥'en all the photos you have been taking! The class must have really inspired you! Maybe if I can find someone to watch Alon for me I might have to sign up for it...this way my photos can look just as good as yours :)

Maricel Johns

Thanks, Shalece! I took the class just wanting to learn how to use my camera, but I think I got more out of it. I, especially, have a better appreciation of photography. And when I can spare a minute, I try to practice. :)


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