Monday, November 24, 2008

I took the Handmade Pledge

I finally did it! With a finnicky wi-fi connection, I was finally able to set up my shop, Sweet Posy Designs, on Etsy. I only have two designs advertised right now, but I'll create more products once things calm down around here.

I've sold numerous items on many sites before--eBay, Amazon,, but I must admit that it was harder for me to sell on Etsy. Not that it's difficult--the steps are easy to follow and there's tons of support from teams and other members. Perhaps it's more that it's
personal and meaningful to me because it's a business of my designs rather than another company's products. I took lots of time in figuring out my policies, shipping, pricing, listings, etc, and I'm happy with the layout. If you have a chance, take a look at my shop, and let me know what you think. I'd love to hear your feedback so I know what I can improve on! Thanks!

Now if only Blogger would stop being temperamental with me as well and show me the link, "Add a Gadget," on my Layout page, I'll be able to advertise my listings on here! Oh, how I hate the internet connection out here!


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